Sunday, February 8, 2009

The Most Economical Way to Heat

Portable Furnace
The Portable Furnace is the most economical way to heat. In Midwestern Utility field tests for heating seasons, the Portable Furnace used an average of 35% less energy than conventional electric furnace/baseboard systems. Comparable results were found during comparisons with fuel based heating systems. Individual results, of course, depend on insulation values, local climate, and other conditions. Furthermore, Portable Furnace users agree that it is the best value available.
See the following video for more information about Portable Furnace

Portable Furnace


Allen Jones said...

The CZInfrared( ) is a great, efficient portable heat source. While it's true that almost all portable heaters are 100% efficient in producing heat from electricity, most types of heat can be quickly lost to drafts, poor insulation, etc. This means a loss of efficiency in the end. Infrared heat directly heats objects in the room, and they in turn warm the surrounding air. Also, you are saving money by zone heating the areas you need instead of heating your entire house. This heater also incorporates incredibly easy-to-use electronic controls, including thermostat settings and a delayed start function.

Unknown said...

December is a month of partying and gift buying. Only three searches peaked in this month, but all three are worth mentioning. Two of them - furnace filters and furnace humidifiers - we will return to in February. For now, just remember these two plurals.

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heatingontario said...

When it comes to heating your home, you want to make sure that you get a well known and well trusted name of furnace.

Furnace installation Toronto